Sehoon Lim
Senior Researcher (Alum)
Sehoon Lim is a researcher whose background is computational optics and imaging.
He earned his Ph.D. at Duke University by demonstrating compressive holography which makes it possible to reconstruct a 3D image with fewer 2D-based measurements. It is noted by a successful demonstration of classical optics powered by complex inferencing algorithm.
After college Sehoon joined SRI International, an R&D center Princeton, New Jersey, to develop a video-rate multispectral imager. The system produces a spectral data cube that enables detection of materials such as toxic gas, home-made explosives, and forensic evidence. For a short period he was involved in a 3D optical design project at the University of Arizona and has also worked in Silicon Valley.
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) June, 2021 Pages 9179-9188
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers May, 2021 Vol. 52 Pages 218-221 ISSN: 0097-996X(Reproduced courtesy of SID.)
Proceedings of the International Display Workshops, (IDW '20) December, 2020 Vol. 27 ISSN: 2436-0252
SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers August, 2020 Vol. 51, No. 1 Pages 1102-1105(Reproduced courtesy of SID.)
Microsoft Applied Sciences March, 2019
SID 2021 Digest Pages 210-213(Reproduced courtesy of SID.)