James Holt
Principal Researcher (Alum)
James Holt leads a firmware-development team within Microsoft’s Applied Sciences Group (ASG). His current research interests are small-form-factor acoustic and A.I. devices.
Before his current time at Microsoft he worked at a startup shipping high-end consumer headphones. In a previous time at Microsoft Jim worked on robotic autonomous navigation, small-form-factor audio devices, and Microsoft SQL Server. Before switching to industry, he was a particle-accelerator physics researcher at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.
Jim earned his B.S. of physics at the University of California, Los Angeles, and his Ph.D. at Texas A&M University in the field of high-energy physics. He did his thesis in Japan.
IEEE: Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Vancouver, B.C.) June, 1997 Vol. 1 Pages 997-999 ISBN: 0-7803-4376-X
IEEE: Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Vancouver, B.C.) May, 1997 Vol. 1 Pages 72-74 ISBN: 0-7803-4376-X
Accelerator Physics Computing in a Control System EnvironmentProceedings of the 1996 Computing in Accelerator Physics Conference (Williamsburg, VA) February, 1997 Vol. 391, No. 1 Pages 297-302
Automatic Differentiation and Lattice Function MatchingProceedings of the 1996 Computing in Accelerator Physics Conference (Williamsburg, VA) February, 1997 Vol. 391, No. 1 Pages 270-271
IEEE: Proceedings of the 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference (Dallas, TX) June, 1995 Vol. 2 Pages 752-754 ISBN: 0-7803-2934-1
IEEE: Proceedings of the 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference (Dallas, TX) June, 1995 Vol. 5 Pages 3067-3069
IEEE: Proceedings of the 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference (Dallas, TX) May, 1995 Vol. 5 Pages 455-457 ISBN: 0-7803-2934-1
Physical Review Letters April, 1995 Vol. 74, No. 13 Pages 2479-2482
Proceedings, 4th European Particle Accelerator Conference (EPAC '94) July, 1994 Vol. 2 Pages 988-990
Nuclear Physics A March, 1994 Vol. 569, No. 4 Pages 791-820 ISSN: 0375-9474
IEEE: Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference (Washington, D.C.) 1994 Vol. 5 Pages 3806-3807 ISBN: 0-7803-1203-1
IEEE: Proceedings of the 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference (Washington, D.C.) 1994
Proceedings, International Journal of Modern Physics A (Supplement 2B) 1993 Pages 1007-1009
Energy Dependence of the Analyzing Power for the pp → π+d Reaction in the Energy Region 500-800 MeVNuclear Physics A May, 1992 Vol. 541, No. 3 Pages 443-452
Physical Review C August, 1990 Vol. 42, No. 2 Pages 483-486
Analyzing Powers of Quasielastic C(p,2p) and Cu(p,2p) Scattering at 3.5 GeV and Relativistic EffectsPhysics Letters B June, 1990 Vol. 243, No. 1 Pages 29-32 ISSN: 0370-2693
Particle Accelerators 1990 Vol. 32 Pages 167-172
National Laboratory for High Energy Physics KEK-PS Users Guide '90KEK, Tsukuba 1990
Measurement of Analyzing Power at Forward Angle for Elastics pd Scattering at 3.5 GeVPhysics Letters B October, 1989 Vol. 230, No. 1 Pages 27-30 ISSN: 0370-2693
Proton Polarimeter for High Energy Experiments at KEKNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment June, 1989 Vol. 278, No. 3 Pages 705-712
Spin Correlation Parameter ANN(theta*) for NP Elastics Scattering at 790 MeVPhysical Review D June, 1989 Vol. 39 Pages 3520-3523
IEEE: Proceedings of the 1989 Particle Accelerator Conference (Chicago, IL) April, 1989
Asymmetry Measurements in P-P Elastic Scattering during Polarized Beam Acceleration up to 4.4 GeV/C17th International Symposium on Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energy, (Tokyo, Japan) November, 1988
National Laboratory for High Energy Physics KEK-PS Users Guide Book '88KEK, Tsukuba 1988
The KEK PS Polarized Beam ProgramMinniapolis Spin Conference 1988 1988 Vol. 187, No. 2 Pages 1077-1085
Measurement of Ann, An0, and A0n for the Reaction P-P to dpi+ in the Energy Region 500-800 MeVPhysical Review C October, 1987 Vol. 36 Pages 1413-1424
Gas Embedded, Turbulent Z Pinch with a Series of Cusp FieldsInternational Meeting on Dense Z-Pinches for Fusion (Alexandria, VA) March, 1984
Test of Charge Symmetry in pi+ and pi- Elastic Scattering on Tritium and He3Physical Review Letters 1984 Vol. 52 Pages 735-738
Measurement of Spin Correlation Parameter Ann (Theta) for the P-P to dpi+ Reaction in the Region 500-800 MeVProceedings, Few Body Problems in Physics (Karlsruhe, Germany) 1983 Vol. 2 Page 17
Spin Correlation for P-P Elastic Scattering at theta = 90 deg in the Energy Region of Dibaryon ResonancesPhysical Review Letters 1982 Vol. 49 Pages 1135-1138
Measurement of the Analyzing Power for the P-P to dpi+ Reaction in the Region 500-800 MeVProceedings, Few Body Problems in Physics (Karlsruhe, Germany) 1981 Vol. 2 Page 13
Stimulated-Brillouin-Scattering Studies in Low-Density PlasmasNuclear Fusion Supplement 1981 Vol. 2 Page 745